The Price of Squinting
Several men and women wait as long as possible to head to the eye doctor and see about getting a new pair of glasses or a new set of contacts. Some are of the belief system that making adaptation to failing vision too quickly may perhaps result in further damage to the eyes while other feel that causing your eyes to strain and squint to see things properly is causing additional trauma to the eyes as well.
Most people go for their annual screenings each year in an attempt to determine how much their vision has begun to fail them and using the tools that optometrists and ophthalmologists use they can pretty accurately determine the amount of deterioration you have experienced in a year’s time and this offers you the opportunity to determine if new lenses are needed.
The good news is that most insurance companies will only allow for a change in lenses that they will cover if the change is significant enough to warrant it. Slight and insignificant changes will more than likely not be covered by your medical health insurance plan.
When it comes to seeing most men and women opt to keep up with regular screenings, however there is a select group of individuals that feels if they can still see that they must not need to go to the eye doctor. And there are actually quite a few eye doctors that do feel that changing a person’s prescription too soon may perhaps be causing their eyes to further deteriorate.
Eye doctors for the most part also feel this way when it comes to giving an individual their very first set of eyeglasses or contact lenses as well. Usually if someone presents with difficulty seeing they are in need of glasses already but numerous choose to hold off when the patient is an individual under the age of 18 with the thought process that they might very simply grow out of the problem as they develop. Believe it or not a number of children that develop eye problems in youth do actually outgrow them over time.
Your sight is priceless and if you do not believe this just ask someone who can not see and they will tell you how valuable this sense truly is. When it comes to your vision take your screenings seriously and if your medical health insurance policy will cover your annual exam and evaluation then take advantage of this service and then you can determine whether or not you want to make the necessary changes to your lenses.
Even after an exam the choice is still yours.
Source: http://www.articlesfactory.com/articles/health/the-price-of-squinting.html